Let’s Go the Distance for Children with Cardiomyopathy
It's time to come together to raise awareness of pediatric cardiomyopathy. Join Team CCF and other families as we walk in honor of children with cardiomyopathy.
It Takes a Team
Together, we can make a difference for those affected by pediatric cardiomyopathy. There are two fun and simple ways to plan an awareness walk.
In-person gathering at a park, school, beach, or neighborhood
Participants set their own goals and walk at any time and any place
Form Your Walk Team
- Determine if you prefer to host a live community walk or a virtual walk
- Set up a Walk for a Cure fundraising page with your story and walk goal
- Invite family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join your walk team
- Order a “It Takes a Team” t-shirt to get in the spirit
- Download CCF’s "Get Walking" playlist and start walking
Spread the Word
- Share your walk page with an email inviting your network to participate
- Highlight your efforts on social media using the hashtags #ItTakesATeam and #GoTheDistance, as well as tag @CCFHeartKids
- Encourage others to order a “It Takes a Team” t-shirt to show their support
- Post photos and videos to build excitement before and during the walk
Let’s Go the Distance
There are many ways to personalize your walk and grow your team. Contact CCF for ideas and assistance in setting up your dedicated Walk for a Cure fundraising page. Below are additional resources to get you going.